Monday 10 April 2017

The Third IPL Session

Okay guys, for someone who NEVER SHAVES, the hair growth in-between sessions absolutely sucks. I swear, there was so much friction between my legs you could've started a small forest fire. Instead, I just got horrific razor rash. All the bumps...ALL the short little stubby hairs stabbing me like little needles. Kill me.

Now, a quick note. I had to MISS my third session because life got in the way, so my third session took place two weeks later on a Monday. I know, I know, you're supposed to be consistent, but between working a new job (which makes 14+ work hours a day) and the shit life throws at you, it couldn't be helped. The good news? I'm sparing you the picture of my razor rash covered bikini.

So how does everything look so far? Well, I see no difference yet. My hairs are still growing back in short and spiky. No patchy bits as of yet, as other bloggers have stated. I'm hoping by session four we will see some results...

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