Sunday 26 March 2017

The Second IPL Session

Heyyyy, we made it to week two! Shaving went a whole lot more quickly this time. Probably because I had less hair to shave off, and also because I'm growing more confident with the razor. I left about an hour between shaving and using the SmoothSkin machine this time. I haven't noticed any visible thinning of the hairs yet, but given that I've only used the machine once, it's still too early to tell.

So, I drew my lines with the white eyeliner as usual, and got a family member to draw lines on the back of my thighs where I couldn't reach. I also put a mirror down on the floor so I could see the backs of my legs as I did them, rather than playing at being some sort of super contortionist.

Here's what the hair looks like a week post my first laser session.
What lovely leg hair one has..SPIKY
Here's an arm. Also with little cactus-y spikes
BONUS BIKINI LINE SHOT, complete with razor burn. Sigh

As you can see, no changes. I'm still hairy, but now I'm also spiky and hairy. I think I'm going to work in (gently) exfoliating at least twice or thrice a week because my hair is really thick, and my skin seems to hate me enough to want to turn every hair into an ingrown one. The IPL session itself went fairly smoothly and took me about an hour and a half. Until next time, folks.

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